
Meggie Gates
1 min readFeb 20, 2018


You deleted me today. Like a memory instead of a person. A name instead of a being. Breathing and breathing. I’m giving life to something dead. Trying to bring life to something dead. They say a flower never blooms in a dark room. Am I the dark room or the bloom?

Tunes. I give ours away on Spotify playlists. I Think You’re Alright. I Love You Just The Way You Are. Lyrics. They’re nice words but they don’t stick. They’re nice rhymes, but they don’t hit. Like darts on a board, they bounce off the side and fall. Again and again. You can pick them up and try again, if you want. You can always try again, if you want. Target practice.

We’re bound to get it right at some point.

The coldest sound in the world is the sound of a lock clicking in to place. The coldest feeling in the world is existing in a space. A memory. Not a person.

Which one am I to you?



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